I had this app previous, and then they instead of updating it renamed it tactics trainer, tactic trainer and you had to repurchase the app. I got another ipad as i got rid of my older one and guess what, that app which i had purchased twice was dropped and you have to purchase it again. also it does not give solution if you got it wrong. In the latest version it allows you to see the analysis, but the issue is that the analysis may not be the only answer, so unless you pick the "best" one at a given time it will mark you wrong. But best isnt always best, if you let the analysis engine run longer it change its original best line for a new one so if you entered the first answer the second time it would have been mark wrong. Third issue the answer is based on the engine they use. I was marked wrong for one puzzle where i had a double check, but ended up with the same final position and got marked wrong, bc the engine wanted to reach the final position with its way. Also if i have shredder or hiarchs solve a puzzle it will mark those programs wrong if it does not match the engine. Overall, does not allow for multiple solution with same results. .will mark correct moves as wrong. It is NOT a trainer. It is just a puzzle app where you can get marked wrong for a correct answer.